Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Our quote of the day comes from our 26th president, that ol' rough-rider himself, Theodore Roosevelt: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." We had quite a discussion on this and you might want to ask your Explorer about it at the dinner table tonight.

Another item to share with you is that today marked the first day of "The Philosophers' Club" ! Every Thursday, for an hour in the afternoon, we will be discussing the big questions.Today we discussed the ground rules for the class discussions. Our first question is, "What is Philosophy?" and why do we call this class, "The Philosophers' Club"?
We also tried to answer the question, "What is silence?" It was an excellent discussion. Students worked on their title page of their Philosophers' Club book.

HOMEWORK: The homework for tonight is to come prepared to class tomorrow with the first stanza of The Star Spangled Banner memorized. Everyone has completed their Social Studies homework in class. I have discussed in great detail the history of The Star Spangled Banner, and have even shown the class a copy of the original, handwritten verse penned by Sir Francis Scott Key. It is a fascinating part of our American History. Be sure to ask your Explorer about it.
Explorers are to check on Mr. G's website for his Math class' homework tonight.

Tomorrow, your Explorer will be bringing home his/her Friday Homework folder. There will not be a Grade Pro sheet in this one since we have only been in class for a few days. There will be one next week. Since I have been assessing during class time, there will not be as many papers in tomorrow's Friday Folder as there will be throughout the rest of the school year.

Now, to the Navigator's homework: They are to complete their Social Studies packet. It is due tomorrow morning before Gathering.

It is such a such pleasure to teach your children. Have a great afternoon and enjoy the sunshine!

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