Sunday, September 2, 2007


Monday, Sept. 3rd, 2007

School starts tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 4th! The room is ready and so am I. I literally can hardly wait. It's going to be an amazing year. My goal is to make your Explorer's year the most positive memory of your child's educational career.

Two quick reminders: Please bring in your Explorer's Emergency Kit. I have a container by my classroom door. It is marked and all you need to do is just drop the Emergency Kit in it. Thanks so much in advance. Your child's safety is paramont to me, as I know it is for you as well.

Tomorrow school will start promptly at 8:15. I will be outside to greet the Explorers at 8:00. We will line up outside so we all can go down the stairs together the first day. It will help with crowd control since the Navigators will be going down the stairs at the same time as the Explorers. After today, both classes can just come downstairs at 8:10. We will not be coming down together as a class after tomorrow morning.

At 8:15, there will be coffee for the adults and I've heard there will also be some delicious treats for you as well. At 9:00 tomorrow we will have a special Gathering. We'll review the school rules, playground safety etc. So, please feel free to attend. After tomorrow, Gathering will be every Friday from 8:20 until 9:00.

Please have your Explorer get a good night's sleep ( I know that can be a challenge, especially the last day of summer). Eat a hearty breakfast tomorrow. I have a lot of educational activities for them. There will be homework tomorrow evening. (You may even have some homework as well.) Please view tomorrow's blog for the homework assignments. Also, please review the Homework Policy listed below.

Here's to an EXCEPTIONAL year with your exceptional Explorer!I look forward to seeing you and your Explorer tomorrow!

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