Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday 9/19/07

Yes, I did not have a posting yesterday. I'm certain that you noticed that there was No Posting on Tuesday. My attentive class certainly did.Yesterday, shortly after school I had a parent teacher conference. During it, I received an urgent call that a dear friend had a heart attack and was going to have quadruple by-pass surgery. My husband and I rushed to Olympia to the Providence Hospital and we were there until late.

I certainly heard from numerous students that there wasn't a posting on Tuesday. While I'm sorry that the emergency did not permit me to post one yesterday, I am, nonetheless, quite pleased that students and parents are checking my blog each day! That is my commitment to myself, and to your family, to try my hardest to create a posting each school day. In addition, I have been known to post on the weekend as well, so be sure to check then as well. So here are yesterday's and today's blog entries.



We will be leaving Seabury tomorrow morning and will be going to the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. We will be leaving at 9:00 and we should be returning to school by 2:00.

Students are to bring a SACK lunch and a disposable drink. I am supplying a morning snack. Please don't forget to pack a napkin. They are always in short supply. I urge you to pack a disposable WATER bottle for the student's lunch drink. I can not stress this enough. "Snapple" or other type of disposable drinks contain an enormous amount of sugar. The following information is from the back portion of a student's Snapple plastic bottle, which he accidentally dropped, and it exploded, at the head of the school's entryway to the Kindergarten classroom right as you walk in! Talk about a sticky mess. So, I was curious about the amount of sugar in the bottle. The back of the Snapple bottle says it contains 26 grams of sugar per serving. There are 2.5 servings per bottle! So, it is 66 grams of sugar per 20 oz. in this Snapple ,which incidentally, is a bottle the same size as bottle water. Personally, I believe water to be the best thirst quencher, especially on field trips when we are doing a lot of walking. Thank you for your consideration.

Students should be dressed for rain or inclement weather. A waterproof rain coat is a necessity and rain boots are optional. Often Explorers are insistent on wearing boots, so please know that this is fine with me.

Many, many thanks to those parents who offered to drive. I need you, or else we would not have a field trip. I also greatly appreciate you!!

EXPLORERS and NAVIGATORS are to bring either an orange or grapefruit, preferably a grapefruit, to school tomorrow. Even though I assigned this on Monday, I know that sometimes assignments in assignment books are not shared in a timely manner. Many students have brought in their grapefruits. If you are unable to bring one in, NEVER FEAR, MRS. GELLERT IS HERE! I have extra grapefruits, so please do not despair.
SOCIAL STUDIES: EXPLORERS: Lesson 2 is due on Friday
NAVIGATORS: Lesson 3 is due on Friday

MRS. GELLERT"S MATH CLASS: Fraction Action project is due on Friday. Students are to write and create a fraction problem involving their favorite recipe.

SCHOOL PHOTOS ON FRIDAY ! Please know that your child does NOT have to wear his/her Seabury shirt on Friday. This Yuen Lui photo day is for your child's individual photos and class photos and they may wear whatever you parents would like to see them in. Many thanks in advance for the great Parent Booster Club volunteers who help make everything run smoothly.

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