Sunday, September 2, 2007


Each Friday, your Explorer will be bringing home his/her FRIDAY FOLDER. This special folder will include your Explorer's week's work of corrected classwork and homework. In addition, I plan to include a GradePro information sheet. This personalized reference sheet will be set up so you can see which assignments your Explorer completed effectively and turned in on time. The FRIDAY FOLDER is a vehicle of communication between school and home to share with you, the parent, how very successful your Explorer is at school.
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Parents are to sign in the designated spot on the inside of the folder that they have reviewed the contents of the FRIDAY FOLDER with their Explorer.
Explorer's responsibilities include: Explorers are to return their FRIDAY FOLDERS back to school each Monday. This is an excellent opportunity to help assist your child in becoming even more responsible. Students should double check that their parents have signed that the contents have been reviewed. The week's corrected papers may then be put into your child's binder for safe keeping. Of course, if you want to put these great papers up on the refrigerator door, please feel free!
One of my main goals with this weekly FRIDAY FOLDER is to assist and enable you, the parent, to have a clearer idea and understanding of the exciting and new things your Explorer is learning this year. I am a firm believer in open communication. So, if you ever have any questions, the best way to reach me is via e-mail: , or at school:253-952-3111.
I am so looking forward to the first day of school, THIS Tuesday, Sept. 4th. It's going to be an outstanding year for your Explorer!

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