Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday September 20, 2007


We had the most marvelous field trip today to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuse!! We were fortunate that it did not rain. Even though the weather was "nippy", it nonetheless was an excellent field trip! Many thanks to Peter's mom who spearheaded the trip and to all who drove. We could not have done it without you!!

I have some photos which I want to share with you, but first, the homework:

All Explorers are to write a "Reflection" paper in their classwork notebooks tonight. It is to have a thesis sentence for the opening paragraph and at least 3 supporting details. There should be a total of at least 4 paragraphs. I am only requiring 20 minutes on this. If your child wishes to work in his/her sketch book tonight on additional illustrations of the Nisqually Wildlife Sanctuary, then that is fine with me; however we will be having art tomorrow afternoon where they will be working in their sketch books.

So, due tomorrow: to be BROUGHT INTO CLASS
Classwork notebooks with the 20 minute reflection paper.
Sketch books if they were brought home today.
20 minutes worth of work on the Wordly Wise.
20 minutes on the handwriting packet.

Please note that if your child has not finished their Wordly Wise this week, that is fine. I just want an honest effort of their personal best. They are to turn in wherever they are. The same is true for their Social Studies work.


1 comment:

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