Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Middle Ages and Sir Cumference

Today in my math class we learned about Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter. It is an exciting way to teach the math concepts of the area and perimeter of a rectange, the area and circumference of a circle and how to use straight lines to measure curves.Ask your child what the story entailed. Here's a brief synopsis: When young Per visits her uncle Sir Cumference and his family, she learns how to play the game, "Inners and Edges." After she finds a clue linking the game to the mysterious castle on the island of Immeter, she must figure out how to find the perimeter and area of a circle to unlock the island's secret.

Mrs. Gellert's Math class homework for tonight: Two problems on the white sheet to find the area of a circle using the equation:
A=(1/2C) x r . I know they will all do extremely well!

In Social Studies today for the Navigators, I went on the web for an educational and informative Medieval game. It was

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