Monday, March 17, 2008

The Louvre

Here is some exciting news about next Tuesday's field trip

Literally a year ago I heard about the Louvre coming to Seattle and immediately set up a field trip for the school. This is the exclusive west coast exhibit of Roman Art from the Louvre. I have seen a preview of this exhibit and it is magnificent. We are all so fortunate to be going to this Seattle Art exhibit next Tuesday, March 26th. It will be a wonderful time!

Here is a link to the Seattle Art Museum's Louvre exhibit.

Here's what they had to say about the exhibit we'll be seeing a week from tomorrow.

This extraordinary selection of ancient art from Paris’s famed Musée du Louvre portrays nearly 300 years of imperial Roman life and history. The exhibition includes approximately 180 pieces—many that have never before traveled to the United States—from one of the richest collections of ancient Roman art in the world.
Visitors will meet emperors and members of the imperial court, elite and ordinary citizens, women and children, soldiers, gladiators, foreigners and slaves. Their lives and experiences are richly conveyed through a wide variety of media including monumental marble sculptures and reliefs, paintings and mosaics, bronze statuettes, jewelry, glass and silver implements. These objects demonstrate how the art of Rome shaped ancient life by representing its leaders and deities, defining public and private spaces, acculturating the conquered, and celebrating the dead. The exhibition also illustrates the varied roles that Roman art has played in the post-Classical period, and that it continues to play today.

This is a copy of the form that the office sent electronically to you today. I greatly appreciateyou signing the one from the office and sending back to school with your child post haste. Here is what the office e-mailed out to you today.

Seabury School
Field Trip Permission Slip
Dear Parent(s):

On Tuesday, March 25th, 2008, Explorer, Navigator, Beacon, Shark and Superstar students will be traveling to Seattle via private bus to visit the Seattle Art Museum’s exhibit Roman Art from the Louvre. Students will be leaving at approximately 8:30am to be on time for their 10:00am reservation and will return to Seabury by 2:00pm. The cost for this field trip is $12.00 and has been billed to your Seabury account.

Students should plan to bring a throwaway lunch and disposable beverage. Please have students dress for the weather in layers.

Please note that this is the class activity for the Navigators’, Explorers’, Beacons’, Sharks’ and Superstars’ school day. Students who choose not to attend the field trip should not come to school on Tuesday, March 25th.

Parent chaperones may be needed and will have to drive their cars. Can you help? Please let your child’s teacher know.

Please fill in the bottom portion and return ASAP. Thank you.
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Yes, my child ___________________________ may attend the field trip to the Seattle Art Museum on Tuesday, March 25th, 2008.

_____ I am available to chaperone.

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