Monday, January 14, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Knighthood was part of the feudal system of the Middle Ages. Almost all knights were vassals, servants to their lords. In exchange for the loyal protection of their lords, knights were given land. Powerful knights lived in their lord's castle. The vassal expected the lord's protection as well. However, if a knight failed to be of proper service or if he was disloyal, his land could be taken away from him and so could his life. Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog entry of "chivalry".
Today we had an exciting video from the History Channel regarding the weapons of the Dark Ages. It was action packed and very educational. Please ask your child about it for I know he/she would LOVE to tell you all about it. I was impressed how much each student learned from it.
Tonight's Social Studies homework for the Navigators and Explorers is located in your child's assignment book.
Explorers also have a critical thinking question as their writing assignment from their Time For Kids.

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