Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Crusades

The Crusades: What an incredible time in the history of the world. Students in both the Navigator and Explorer classrooms learned a great deal about the Crusades today. There was not only a power point presentation but also a UTube excerpt on the Crusades. Please ask your child about today's lesson. I know they will have much to share with you.

Also today, in preparation for Friday's field trip to the Seattle Children's Theater, Explorers learned about William Shakespeare and his timeless play, Hamlet. It was quite thrilling and I know your child will want to tell you all about the plot...especially how many people died !

Due to yesterday's snow day, there will not be a Wordly Wise packet for this week.

Spelling test words were handed out today and, as always, the spelling test will be next Tuesday. Students are to study their words each evening.

Spelling word definitions: Students are to put the part of speech, the first definition and this week, students are to write a sentence for each spelling word. This is due on Monday.

Navigators: Just the Navigators are to write a one or two sentence answer as to why they think the Crusades are called the Crusades. Students may use the computer or books to find the answer.

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