Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Black Plague- Memento Mori

It was an exciting day for both the Navigators and the Explorers in Social Studies. Today we learned about the Black Plague. Students were shown the Brainpop video http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/blackdeath/ on the
"Black Death".
Tonight's homework for both the Navigators and Explorers: Students are to write a letter to a Middle Ages friend regarding the Black Plague. Students may create new names for themselves and for the person to whom they are writing. They can be a lord, lady, peasant etc. They must include information regarding the Black Plague and make it relevant to the period, circa 1347. Students need to include if they stayed in the town or if they fled and why. This is due tomorrow.
In addition, Explorers are to bring in their Wordly Wise #14 packet to work on in class tomorrow. This packet is due on Friday.
Great Spelling tests for many of the students today! I baked brownies and all those who made 100 % received a large delicious brownie and those who made 90% to 99% received a smaller brownie, but a brownie none the less! Great going for all who studied hard and reaped the delicious reward!!

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