Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I've just finished a faculty meeting at 5:10 and then a parent meeting after that. So for tonight, there will be just a quick entry regarding tonight's homework.
Mrs. Gellert's Math class: Students are to read their Math magazine and to do only the back page with the "Hero fractions". Today I introduced dividing fractions. I taught them some of the magic of math. They loved it! We did half of the page of homework in class and the rest is for tonight. Feel free to check over it with your child.

Navigators: Just 20 minutes on the Social Studies. I realize that tonight is not a "Social Studies" homework night; but with the snow day last Monday, I need to have us stay on track. It is a fun homework project of creating a shield for a guild that the student would need in the Middle Ages. The study sheet has all the information.

EXPLORERS: All Explorers are to work on tonight is their essay for the auction which Mrs. Wollum and Miss Rebecca intorducted today. Their rough draft is due tomorrow. Just 20 minutes tonight is fine. We spent time on it in class today and we will complete it in class tomorrow.
REMEMBER this Friday is a field trip to Hamlet at the Seattle Children's Theater. We have been studying Hamlet in class and I know this presentation will be very meaningful.
ONLY a SACK lunch and a DISPOSABLE drink are to be sent to school with the Explorer on Friday. We will be traveling by bus and it will leave promptly at 8:30. I will have to leave without your child if your child is late. The performance starts promptly on time and we will not be allowed in if we are late. I know you understand.
Speaking of tardiness. I want to say THANK YOU to all the parents who get their child to school ON TIME. As you know I start promptly at 8:15 with the pledge and then the morning work. If your child is late, and there are a chronic few who are, your child misses out on the work's directions and explaination. For those of you who are late, please have your child lay out his clothes the night before, have his lunch ready to go and his coat by the door. This is a life skill to get to school on time. YOU wouldn't want to be chronically late for work now would you? Thank you again to all the parents who get their child to school at 8:10. I GREATLY appreciate it, and I know your child does too.

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