Saturday, October 6, 2007

OPI here we come!

Only 2 more days until we head to the Olympic Park Institute(O.P.I.) for a 3 day, 2 night field trip. Mr. G's class will be learning the watershed and the Explorers will be learning about Geology! I am so excited, and so are the Explorers. Wednesday is just right around the corner!
Please take this opportunity to review the OPI equipment list and check off the items that are packed. Your child knows to put the sleeping bag, pillow(s), pajama, robe and bathroom sandles, and evening toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, wash cloth and big shower towel into one black plastic trash bag, and the rest of the clothes into another black plastic bag. The students know to have their backpacks all packed for the afternoon hike. Don't forget the sack lunch! Wednesday is the only day that we will need a sack lunch brought from home, all other meals and snacks are provided by OPI. Please do not forget that snacks brought from home can not be in the student's backpacks, nor in their bags. There is a stringent NO FOOD IN CABIN rule at OPI. It is strickly enforced. OPI is known for their excellent food and I have never known a Seabury student to walk away from the table hungry. I also want to have you rest assured that I will have nutritious snacks for your child should the need arise.
Please try and pack up tonight. That way you will have another day (Tuesday) to purchase anything that is needed.
All black garbage bags are to be labeled with your child's name. A good way to do this is with masking tape, or duct tape, and an indelible magic marker. I do want to encourage you to do the same with your child's extra items with your child's name and phone number on them for say binoculars, camera, etc. that your child feels can not be left at home. We will have a photographer with our Seabury group, so it is strictly up to the parents if a camera is needed. I have also had students bring phone cards in the past. There is little need for that. I will have my cell phone with me. In the event that your child must talk to you, I will make certain this occurs. I am planning to contact the school when we arrive at approximately 11:30 on Wednesday morning. When we depart on Friday afternoon, I will contact the school and let them know our estimated time of arrival.
Please note that this year we will depart Seabury at 8:30 SHARP!! Please arrive at school no later than 8:10 for we will be loading the bus with gear and the students will be on the bus so we can leave at the appointed time. We will NOT be picking up any students who are not at school by 8:30. If you are unable to get to school on time, then contact the office.
We will depart OPI approximately 2:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. This means that we will be arriving at Seabury between 5 p.m. and 6p.m. on Friday. If this time changes, I will let the office know and Miss Joslyn will notify parents.
No Math nor Science homework tonight.

1 comment:

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