Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving's Gorgeous Gourds

The above are the wonderful Thanksgiving Day gifts your Explorer has made just for you! Please know that I am truly blessed and thankful to have your child in my class.

Seabury is also quite thankful to have your support in this year's Annual Fund. To all of you incredible parents who have given to our Annual Fund, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We have 100% participation from the board, faculty and staff. Hopefully the final numbers will prove that we have 100% of the parents as well. So, thank you to those of you who have given.

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving Feast. It will be from 10:45 until 11:45. School will end at noon tomorrow and will resume on Monday, November 26th. Remember, there will not be any Extended Care tomorrow.

Time For Kids JFK notes p.5 and Bonus question; p.6 Famous Quotes
Map of the 15 states which were the result of the Louisiana Purchase:
Also, Explorers are to return the orange Conference sign up sheet by tomorrow.
Map of the 15 states which were the result of the Louisiana Purchase:

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