Tuesday, November 6, 2007

FIeld Trip Tomorrow

Field Trip Tomorrow!
Students must arrive at school prior to 8:20 for we will be loading the bus at 8:25. We will be departing Seabury at 8:30. We will be returning prior to the end of school.
All students are to bring a sack lunch tomorrow with a disposable drink.

Social Studies homework for both Navigators and Explorers:

Test on Thursday for Weeks 1-8. Students were given 3 pages of Social Studies/Geography study sheets today and they have reviewed them in class. The test will be a 4 part True-False/Multiple Choice/Short Answer/ and map identification. All students will do very well if they study.

Language Arts: Explorers are to complete the pink packet on Lewis and Clark by Thursday.

Remember: Wordly Wise, Lesson #7, is due on Friday.

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