Thursday, December 20, 2007

Half Day Tomorrow!

It's time for the annual pajama day Read -In tomorrow! It will be a fun morning. Here's our busy schedule:
First, we will have Gathering from 8:20 until 9:00. Then we will return to our classroom where the Read-In will begin. We will have an hour for the Read-In and then will have our book gift exchange with Mr. G's class. After that we will watch our movie and have our Holiday Party. Then it will be time to go home at noon.
Just a reminder that if you haven't already, PLEASE have your child bring a wrapped new book to school tomorrow. To those of you who have already brought yours in, THANK YOU!
Your child will have a special gift for you. Please know that it is VERY heartfelt. Students made a great gift today thanks to my wonderful room parents. Unfortunately, school policy is that we are not permitted to mention any parents' or children's names in the school website nor in teacher blogs. So, THANK YOU to the wonderful co-room parents, and we know who you are, who have done so much to make tomorrow so wonderful!!Many, many thanks!

No homework tonight except for those Explorers who need to turn in their Wordly Wise packets tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

News update

Just a friendly reminder that both the Navigators and Explorers have their Lewis and Clark test tomorrow.
Friday is our Read-In Pajama Day Holiday Party. Students are to bring a wrapped book as a gift for our annual book exchange.
My Math class has page 12, "An Ocean of Fun" for homework tonight. They have been learning about improper fractions and converting them to mixed numbers. Today we converted mixed numbers to improper fractions. It's a fun way to learn.
That should about do it for today. Have a great evening!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


On Friday, we will have our annual Holiday party. As part of it, we will have a book exchange with Mr. G's class. Students are to bring in a new book that costs less than 10 dollars. It can be a copy of your child's favorite book, or one your child thinks the classmates will enjoy. The books need to be wrapped. If that is a problem, let me know and I'll make sure it gets wrapped.

Also, Friday is my annual READ-IN party. Students are to come to school, if they so desire, in their pajamas, robe and perhaps slippers. Please pack another pair of shoes for the outside weather to and from school. They may bring their sleeping bags and stuffed animals. They are to bring their wrapped book exchange book AND any book from home they want to read. It is always a fun morning with quiet reading in their favorite clothes, their pajamas!

School will end promptly at 12:00 noon. Teachers have been told to tell parents that there is NO Extended Care on Friday.

Navigators' and Explorer' homework tonight is the page 19 map. All students are to study for their Lewis and Clark final test on Thursday. Everyone, I am certain, will do very well if they study.
Math Class News: Today students learned all about converting Improper Fractions to proper fractions and dividing by fractions. Great day for learning. As one student said, "This is cool, Mrs. Gellert!" and another said, "Learning math with you is fun!" It doesn't get much better than this. Just ask them about an Improper Fraction coming to school in a swim suit. You'll get a kick out of this. Great dinner table math conversation.

Monday, December 17, 2007

This Week's Big Events

Just want you to know all that will be happening in the classroom this week:

Tomorrow, Tuesday Spelling test.

Wordly Wise is due on Thursday.

There will be a Social Studies test on Thursday. Students have their packets. We have gone over the information for the past 2 weeks. They all should do well.

We will be exchanging books this Friday. So please bring in a new book that is less than $10.00. It is to be wrapped. This will be part of our classroom Christmas party.

Homework for my math class:
Due tomorrow: Page 9 and the scratch piece of paper. Bring entire packet to class.
Navigator Social Studies:
Due Wednesday:Social Studies for Navigators: map and page 19

Due Thursday: Lewis and Clark test

Thursday, December 13, 2007

What a BUSY last few days!! We had the parent meeting Tuesday evening and the Winter program yesterday evening. We have also celebrated two Explorer birthdays this week.It's a busy time of year!!

For those of you who were unable to attend Mrs. Wollum's question and answer parent meeting Tuesday evening, she has pads of paper with different headings for parents to put down their thoughts, suggestions etc. regarding facility, transportation etc. of the proposed middle school feasibility study. If you have any questions regarding this, please see her.

The Explorers were wonderful in last night's winter performance. The winter program was well worth the wait. It was one of the most memorable ones yet.

VOLUNTEERS are needed for our Stream Study tomorrow. If you are able to drive, please let me know. We are departing at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon and will return at 2:30.

Students are to bring a WARM hat, coat, mittens and rain gear! BOOTS are a must for tomorrow!

If we are unable to get drivers, then Mr. G. and I will have to cancel tomorrow's Stream Study.

Navigators have Social Studies homework tonight. We all made our Lewis and Clark telescopes today. Make sure you ask to see your child's telescope. We have integrated math into our Social Studies unit on Lewis and Clark. Students learned how many dollars per pound Lewis paid for his dog Seaman. Seaman cost $20.00 and weighed 140 lbs. Great fun answering these questions, especially how many months Lewis and Clark were gone on their Corps of Discovery expedition. They have 3 pages of Social Studies for homework tonight.

Explorers have their Stream Study page with 3 essay questions which are to be answered on a separate sheet of paper.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday, December 10th

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow evening is the follow-up question and answer meeting for the proposed middle school at 7:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. I look forward to seeing you there.

Homework : My math class has Continental Math League (CML) #20-23. Only 20 minutes unless your child wants to spend more time on it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Just a quick reminder that Thursday and Friday there will not be any school. Instead there will be parent/teacher conferences. Mr. G. and I will have conferences from 8:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. tonight. (Long day). Tomorrow, we will also have conferences until noon. All parents who have requested conferences have been notified of their time. If for some reason you have not been notified, please give me a call. I look forward to these conferences for they are a great way to communicate about your child's progress.

I know that you all were under the impression that report cards would go home in yesterday's packet. That had been the word from on high. Unfortunately, the office suffered from a "technical" difficulty, and consequnetly, report cards will be given out at the conferences.

All Explorers and Navigators received their Friday packets on Wednesday. Inside is their classwork from this week, the first week of the second trimester. Please sign the index card on the inside panel and have your child return the folder to me on Monday. Many thanks.

Believe it or not, for the second weekend in a row we have homework on the weekend!
Explorers and Navigators homework which is due on Monday,Dec. 10th:
Signed and returned Friday Folder.
They are to read and return the Lewis and Clark Discover Kids magazine.
In addition to above, Explorers also have the following:
They have their Wordly Wise to complete and turn in on Monday.
Also they have their spelling definitions to turn in on Monday as well.
As you can see, we have work to accomplish, even though school is not in session. A little each day goes a long way!

Have a wonderful weekend

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Great Day for the Navigators and the Explorers.
Lots of exciting things to see under the magnifying glass.
We learned about water quality and monitoring it. We made scientific observations about what lives in swamp water! It was a wonderful time. Let's see if you can find the micro-invertebrates and the swamp water fish in the following photos!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Bring your quarter!! That's what a bag of popcorn costs. The proceeds go towards purchasing a goat for a needy family in Africa through the Heifer Project. Please view their website at:

By working together, we can make a difference.

Navigator's homework for math is p. 18 and to get their test papers signed by a parent.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekend Homework

Yes, it's true...there is homework this weekend. Luckily for your child, I devoted class time this week for each child to work on it so there would not be too much to do. I hardly ever give homework over the weekends; but the exception has been made for this weekend.

EXPLORERS: Due Monday, Dec. 3rd, your Lewis and Clark essays from your gold sheet and packet.Use the information in your packets to help your brain make excellent essays!

Due Tuesday Dec. 4th, your spelling definitions. Spelling post test on Tuesday.

Due on Wednesday, Dec. 5th, the Contest paper

On Thursday, Dec. 13th, Social Studies test

Navigators: Due Monday, Dec. 3rd, your Lewis and Clark essays from your gold sheet. Use the Information in your packets to help your brain think of excellent answers!

On Thursday, December 13th, Social Studies Test.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening at 7:00 in the multi-purpose room when the board shares with you their strategic plan which includes whether or not there is a middle school in Seabury's future.

Yesterday was our first Popcorn Day! We sold 84 bags of popcorn and "made" 21 dollars. We have expenses which I will teach the class about in tomorrow's Economic lesson, and they'll learn the difference between "gross" and "net" profit. The popcorn was a huge success and we are well on our way to making enough money to purchase a goat through the Heifer Project and help a family in need in Africa. The class is very excited!

Math tonight for my math class is their Continental Math League (CML) math sheet.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Parent Meeting THIS Thursday

Please note: This Thursday, November 29th, there will be a Parent Meeting at 7:00 in the multi-purpose room. While I have written to you about it before, it does bear repeating. At the Parent Meeting this Thursday evening, the board and Mrs. Wollum will update parents on the strategic planning for the future of Seabury. This will include when the Board foresees whether a middle school will be in Seabury's future. I can not stress enough how important this meeting will be, so please try to attend. I look forward to seeing you there!

Today we had an amazing guest speaker, Shanon, from the Pacific Northwest Ballet Education/Curriculum Department. She gave a marvelous presentation of the subtleties of the of the Nutcracker story as told through the movement of dance. Shanon gave such an insight into the Nutcracker behind the scenes, and provided amazing details about the dancers. Shanon also brought props from this year's Nutcracker.It was amazing to see! The students were absolutely captivated. So was I!

Explorers have their "Write Stuff" packet which is due tomorrow.

Their Wordly Wise, Lesson 9, which is due on Friday.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tchaikovsky Tomorrow

Tomorrow, our curriculum will be enriched with guest speakers from the Pacific Northwest Ballet. Their presentation and special activities will help enhance our Friday's field trip to the Pacific Northwest Ballet's Nutcracker performance. Students have been learning about Tchaikovsky in Music class and have listened to my cd of the Nutcracker as performed by the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras. We are all looking forward to tomorrow's presentation and Friday's performance.

Many thanks to those of you who have turned in their child's permission slip to attend the Friday field trip to the Nutcracker. Miss Joslyn has e-mailed those parents who need to have them turned in. I appreciate your assistance.

Thus far I have received Conference forms from nearly all of my parents. If you are interested in conferencing, then please refer to my blog posting and send me an e-mail. Mr. G and I will be making the master list tomorrow afternoon. After that time, I can not ensure you receiving your preferred times. I am looking forward to all of the conferences next week.

My math class has only 20 minutes total of homework tonight. Students have 2 sheets entitled: Practice 11 and Practice 12. If students wish to work longer than the required 20 minutes,then that is fine with me!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others"

As we take time today to share our thanks and gratitude for all that is near and dear to us, please know that I greatly appreciate you and your children for whom I am eternally grateful to have in my life.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING from my home to yours.

Enjoy today,

-Betsy Gellert

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving's Gorgeous Gourds

The above are the wonderful Thanksgiving Day gifts your Explorer has made just for you! Please know that I am truly blessed and thankful to have your child in my class.

Seabury is also quite thankful to have your support in this year's Annual Fund. To all of you incredible parents who have given to our Annual Fund, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We have 100% participation from the board, faculty and staff. Hopefully the final numbers will prove that we have 100% of the parents as well. So, thank you to those of you who have given.

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving Feast. It will be from 10:45 until 11:45. School will end at noon tomorrow and will resume on Monday, November 26th. Remember, there will not be any Extended Care tomorrow.

Time For Kids JFK notes p.5 and Bonus question; p.6 Famous Quotes
Map of the 15 states which were the result of the Louisiana Purchase:
Also, Explorers are to return the orange Conference sign up sheet by tomorrow.
Map of the 15 states which were the result of the Louisiana Purchase: