Thursday, December 6, 2007


Just a quick reminder that Thursday and Friday there will not be any school. Instead there will be parent/teacher conferences. Mr. G. and I will have conferences from 8:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. tonight. (Long day). Tomorrow, we will also have conferences until noon. All parents who have requested conferences have been notified of their time. If for some reason you have not been notified, please give me a call. I look forward to these conferences for they are a great way to communicate about your child's progress.

I know that you all were under the impression that report cards would go home in yesterday's packet. That had been the word from on high. Unfortunately, the office suffered from a "technical" difficulty, and consequnetly, report cards will be given out at the conferences.

All Explorers and Navigators received their Friday packets on Wednesday. Inside is their classwork from this week, the first week of the second trimester. Please sign the index card on the inside panel and have your child return the folder to me on Monday. Many thanks.

Believe it or not, for the second weekend in a row we have homework on the weekend!
Explorers and Navigators homework which is due on Monday,Dec. 10th:
Signed and returned Friday Folder.
They are to read and return the Lewis and Clark Discover Kids magazine.
In addition to above, Explorers also have the following:
They have their Wordly Wise to complete and turn in on Monday.
Also they have their spelling definitions to turn in on Monday as well.
As you can see, we have work to accomplish, even though school is not in session. A little each day goes a long way!

Have a wonderful weekend

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