Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Testing Week Continues

As long as I live, I will never forget last week. I've christened it: "the week that was". Due to the number of absences, our schedule has changed this week to accommodate the 18 students from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades who will need make up tests for the ITBS. Hopefully, we will have completed all the make-up tests by tomorrow, at least that's the plan. Our regular schedule will resume on Thursday. Consequently, the Renaissance Faire Social Studies due dates are in need of revision.
This Thursday will be the first Social Studies class in a week and students will receive information on how to take notes on note cards for their research paper. Each student submitted their student interest driven topic sheet to me last Thursday. Information will be going home on Thursday regarding the length (no shorter than 3 pages and no longer than 5). I will accept no smaller than 10 font and no greater than 12 font. Additional specifications regarding format will be addressed in the packet.

In other news, three students made 100 percent on their very difficult spelling tests today. Each received a special treat from Dairy Queen. One received a vanilla milkshake and the other two received an Oreo blizzard. Nearly everyone else in the class missed only one of their challenging spelling words. My hard and fast rule is, "If I can't read it, then it's wrong". It's the incentive program to have their handwriting be legible. My 95% students received a small, delicious treat as well; but not from Dairy Queen. You might be impressed if you knew some of these SAT words that they are learning to use not only by correctly spelling them, but by learning their definitions with the ultimate goal of them using them appropriately in sentences. I am very proud of the class and the hard work they have and continue to put forth.

Today we had the delightful treat of having my friend and author, Ruston Howard, come to the school and teach writing workshops to each class. He has an amazing stage presence and literally had the students eating out of his hands. They learned a lot; but most especially we laughed until our sides hurt. He is an incredibly gifted and talented teacher/author/comedian. I can hardly wait until his novel, Sebastian Reckless and the Forces of Evil makes it to the big screen. I'll keep you posted on all the latest developments.

This Friday is Grandparents/Special Friends Day. It will begin at 1:30 and will end at 3:00. It is also Young Authors' Day. Students are busily putting the final touches on their creations. The school will display their stories, and in my class' case, novellas. The illustrations are amazing, as is the content of their stories. I know all of our special friends will thoroughly enjoy reading them. We are all looking forward to Friday. It will be a wonderful time.

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