Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Dawn of a New Day for Seabury

This morning the Seabury community received very exciting news from Seabury's Director, Mrs. Wollum. An excerpt of her e-mail is listed below. It is as follows:

"...Last night, the board met to review and discuss the feasibility study findings. After thoughtful consideration, the board passed a motion expressing unanimous support for moving forward with planning for a Seabury middle school, with the intent of opening in the fall of 2009. Parents are encouraged to attend a meeting next Wednesday, February 27,at 7 p.m. to learn more about the next steps in the middle school development process, and to find out how you and your family can be involved.Parents of current Explorers students should check Thursday packets today for an overview of the initial plans for serving 6th and 7th grade students on the lower school campus next year. It is important to us that 6th and7th grade students who are enrolled next year prior to the opening of a separate middle school facility are provided with a middle school experience next year. The information in your folder today outlines plans that have been made thus far."

Please try to attend the Wednesday, February 27th meeting at 7:00. It will be most informative.

Homework: Mrs. Gellert's math class: p. 43, Great Shot math sheet.
There is not any Social Studies homework tonight for Explorers and Navigators.

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