Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Camlann Medieval Village

On Tuesday, March 4th, we will be traveling to Camlann Medieval Village, which is a living history project portraying rural England in the year 1376 during the Middle Ages. Camlann is dedicated to offering the public powerful personal experiences of history, including multiple learning and performing arts opportunities, built upon research of rural communities in 14th century England, to provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between those historical events and western society today.
We will be fortunate to have a two hour class, which will be held in the undercroft of the Bors Hede Inne, describing daily life in the middle ages. We will have presented to us ideas on how history is understood, and why it is important and relevant to the 21st century. We will discuss archeology, architecture, technology, food, customs, fashions, and music. There will be reproductions of tools, cooking and eating equipment, coins, clothing, armor and musical instruments. Many will be demonstrated and all will be discussed. Weather permitting, we will have a tour of the village area grounds.
Lunch will be the "ploughman's" lunch (bread, roast polish sausage, cheese, vegetable, fruit and a spiced juice drink) from the Bors Hede kitchen. Food is served "feast style" on platters, and eaten off a bread trencher, all while a minstrel plays courtly music. I can hardly wait!
DON'T Forget!! All students are to be dressed appropriately for inclement weather. It may be cold and wet on Tuesday morning. If so, please wear a rain coat and appropriate shoes. We will be learning in a living history "classroom" which will mean that there will be plenty of walking outside! Mr. G. and I will supply the snacks and bottled water. So, please don't worry about your child starving on the way to and from Camlann Medieval Village. If you would like to pack a snack for your child, that is fine, as long as it is in a disposable bag and the water is in a plastic disposable bottle.
Students may bring a book to read on the bus or a notebook to draw in; but, NO game boys or electronic gear of any kind ! Thank you for understanding.

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