Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Today is Tuesday, September 4th, 2007.

We have had a wonderful day!! It was very busy, but also quite productive. All the students were most excited to return to Seabury for the start of a new school year. I took many photos of the class and I am so pleased I can share them with you now. But first I want to post tonight's homework:

1. By Friday, students are to have memorized the first stanza of The Star Spangled Banner. I recommend that each Explorer memorize 2 lines Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Out of the 8 lines, they are most familiar with the first two. Your assistance is appreciated. Students will be assessed ORALLY on Friday.

2. MATH: Due tomorrow, Wednesday, September 4th, students are to complete only one problem from my IQ Challenge gifted education curriculum. Students are to solve Puzzle 1. I reviewed with them in class the strategy of solving this higher level thinking problem. Explorers are to create only one problem of their own based on Problem 1's mathematical strategy. They should have a good time with it. Remember, only 20 minutes and draw a line.

3. Students are to encourage parents to view this website on a daily basis.

Each morning I will have a new quote for the day. Today's was the following:

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".

-Thomas Edison

Feel free to ask your Explorer about this quote and what he/she thinks about it.

Last, but certainly not least, I will leave you with a poem that always gives me a chuckle on the first day of school.

"First Day Back"


Yuka Igarashi

"My father went to Spain

And came home with

Jet lag

He said he was awfully tired

All day

And that he felt

Sort of blurry and

Sort of bewildered

Almost like he was floating


Well you know

I guess


And summer

Are in different time zones


I hope you have a wonderful evening and I look forward to seeing your Explorer tomorrow! Until then, here is a photo of your Explorer's first day of the 2007-2008 school year which I hope you enjoy.

This is Mrs. Gellert's 2007-2008 Explorers' class, Seabury School.

1 comment:

Emily Ecker said...

Hi Betsy,
I love to get these updates and photos. Thank you! I also enjoyed the poem.