Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Field Trip Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4th

As I know you are all aware from reading my blog, tomorrow is our Field Trip to the Camlann Medieval Village.

The bus WILL leave promptly at 8:30. We MUST leave on time so we will arrive on time. They have a tight schedule so we will be able to see everything of interest and to explore all of the historical reenactments from the Medieval Times. Please DO NOT BE LATE to SCHOOL!!! The bus WILL leave WITHOUT you!! So, please be at school no later than 8:15.

Please re-read the blog entry listed below to go over all the exciting things we will be learning. Lunch is provided as listed below.

I look forward to seeing you then!!

There will not be a spelling test on Tuesday due to the all day field trip. As listed on your child's spelling list of words, the spelling test will be on the following Tuesday, March 11th. Spelling definitions will be due on 3/11 also.

Wordly Wise IS due tomorrow.

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