Thursday, December 13, 2007

What a BUSY last few days!! We had the parent meeting Tuesday evening and the Winter program yesterday evening. We have also celebrated two Explorer birthdays this week.It's a busy time of year!!

For those of you who were unable to attend Mrs. Wollum's question and answer parent meeting Tuesday evening, she has pads of paper with different headings for parents to put down their thoughts, suggestions etc. regarding facility, transportation etc. of the proposed middle school feasibility study. If you have any questions regarding this, please see her.

The Explorers were wonderful in last night's winter performance. The winter program was well worth the wait. It was one of the most memorable ones yet.

VOLUNTEERS are needed for our Stream Study tomorrow. If you are able to drive, please let me know. We are departing at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon and will return at 2:30.

Students are to bring a WARM hat, coat, mittens and rain gear! BOOTS are a must for tomorrow!

If we are unable to get drivers, then Mr. G. and I will have to cancel tomorrow's Stream Study.

Navigators have Social Studies homework tonight. We all made our Lewis and Clark telescopes today. Make sure you ask to see your child's telescope. We have integrated math into our Social Studies unit on Lewis and Clark. Students learned how many dollars per pound Lewis paid for his dog Seaman. Seaman cost $20.00 and weighed 140 lbs. Great fun answering these questions, especially how many months Lewis and Clark were gone on their Corps of Discovery expedition. They have 3 pages of Social Studies for homework tonight.

Explorers have their Stream Study page with 3 essay questions which are to be answered on a separate sheet of paper.

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